
DM200L Meter Support

P7L1, P7L5
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Resolve poor print quality or no printing issues on the DM100i, DM125, DM200L and DM225, by checking your ink, running a test pattern, and cleaning your print head.
Learn how to resolve a "Waste Tank Full" or "Waste Tank Near Full" message on the DM100i and DM200L.
The "Low Battery" or "Battery Urgent" message occurs when the meter's internal battery is near the end of its life.
To print postage onto your mail piece, you must transfer postage funds from your Pitney Bowes account to your meter. The meter deducts the amount of your postage from the available funds on your meter. When your meter funds are low, you must add or refill more postage from your Pitney Bowes account. 
Effective June 30, 2024, the USPS® is decertifying all postage meters that use IBI technology and adopting a new IMI standard for postage evidencing systems. All of Pitney Bowes newer technologies are IMI compliant and we want you to know the facts.
Learn how to install and set up your DM100i® (P700, P705), DM125™ (PR00, PR05), DM200L™ (P7L1, P7L5) and DM225™ (PRL1, PRL5) digital postage meter.

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