Guidelines for AEM Components

Explore a library of components designed to create impactful marketing pages.

Alerts Module

The Alerts Module prominently displays critical notifications, including USPS rate change effective dates and potential service disruptions, ensuring our customers receive urgent messages and important updates promptly. Positioned at the top of the page, this module maintains transparency and keeps customers well-informed, thereby enhancing their overall experience and trust in our service.





  • Headline
    • Enter text for the alert heading.
  • Body
    • Enter the alert body content
  • Link
    • Hyperlink for the alert button.
  • Link Text
    • Text that shows on the alerts section with hyperlink.
  • Link Title
    • Text that shows whenever we are hover the CTA.

Yes or No styles

  • New Tab ?
    • CTA link will open in new tab if it is checked.


  • It is always placed at the top of the page.
  • It is visible on a page as yellow ribbon. We can not change it's color.
