DeviceHub Release Notes version (June 28,2023)

DeviceHub Release Notes for version (June 28,2023)
Products affected: DeviceHub

New Features & Enhancements

Control Deployment of DeviceHub

Enterprise administrators can now turn off automatic DeviceHub updates in order to control when DeviceHub updates are installed on users' computers. By default, automatic updates are on.

Each time a new DeviceHub version is released, administrators are notified in the system and can choose whether to allow the update to be installed on users' computers, or to turn off the automatic updates. Both Windows MSI files and Mac PKG files are available for download so that you can manage the deployment as needed.

Issues Fixed

Signature and date not printed on DHL Express Commercial Invoice

When printing an international commercial invoice through DeviceHub, the signature and date section was not being printed. This issue has been resolved.

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UPDATED: November 28, 2023