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Trailer: What you'll hear on UnBoxed
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Check out this short trailer for an overview of what you'll hear and learn on UnBoxed. Join us monthly for intriguing conversations with experts across all industries.
Expert industry guests include:
- Theresa Plavoukos, Independent Beauty Brand Consultant
- David Murgio, Chief Sustainability Officer, Ranpak
- Nina Restieri, Owner, momAgenda
- Justin Laurenzi, Sr. Dir. Product Management, Pitney Bowes
The material, opinions, and information presented in the podcast are for general information purposes only and is not professional advice. Listeners should consult appropriate professionals for specific advice tailored to your situation. The podcast and its content is provided as-is and any use is at the listener’s own risk. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed by guests or hosts are their own and do not necessarily reflect the view of any company.
The material, opinions, and information presented in the podcast are for general information purposes only and is not professional advice. Listeners should consult appropriate professionals for specific advice tailored to your situation. The podcast and its content is provided as-is and any use is at the listener’s own risk. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed by guests or hosts are their own and do not necessarily reflect the view of any company.
Welcome to Unboxed presented by Pitney Bowes. Unboxed is your source for all things shipping. Join us monthly to hear from industry experts about everything from office to e-commerce shipping and the entire shipping journey. Here's a taste of what you'll hear.
Host, Deb Menter
These indie brands and they come to you and they've got these big dreams. And what's one of the things that you talk to them most about? What are ah some of the things that they aren't thinking about when they're building these brands?
Theresa Plavoukos
the Well, yes, you're right. They have these huge dreams. They're going to sell in three years and be millionaires. And I want to help them do that. Missing piece and the piece that they don't want to talk about and don't even know they need to is shipping, shipping and freight. And they just don't carve it out in their budget. It's the hidden piece that they they forget about, they don't want to talk about, and they just assume it's folded into whatever they're paying, their 3PL.
But it's not, and if they don't allocate for it and plan for it, they will have some unhappy surprises.
Nina Restieri
For small businesses like mine, well we don't have the kind of shipping efficiencies where we can do that, but we have to always keep in mind how price-conscious our customers are. Absolutely.
David Murgio
The interesting thing about data analytics and analytics is that you create an environment in which you can you can collect this data and then you show it to everybody around your organization and Everybody's got this great. I'd really like a thousand blossoms blooming because you don't even know what's gonna bloom until you start kicking around this data set.
Justin Laurenzi
I think data is is real, right? I mean, look at a lot of our shippers. It's consolidation of orders and we're starting to say, hey, would you like to bundle all of this stuff together and save a dollar? They're actually passing the savings onto consumers because their savings are substantial, you know, 10, $15 a shipment, they're gonna give you a dollar back. That's a fair trade and it's actually the green initiative we're talking about.