PitneyWorks Overage Fee

Frequently asked questions about the PitneyWorks overage fee.

What is an overage fee?

Each meter has a postage download threshold built into the agreement which is based on the recommended postage volume for each meter.  Downloads exceeding that threshold are charged a meter postage overage fee of 1%.

Note: Master accounts are assigned a threshold at the account level.  The threshold is determined based on the overall meter model composition. 

Why was the overage fee charged?

The aggregate meter refills plus applicable taxes in a billing cycle have exceeded the meter download threshold.

Why are taxes included in the calculation for the threshold?

Taxes are included in the threshold amount because Pitney Works pays Canada Post for the postage downloaded plus the applicable taxes.

Does the download threshold include supplies and shipping charges?

Only postage downloads plus applicable taxes charged to Pitney Works are included in the meter threshold when calculating the postage overage fee.

How can I avoid paying this fee?

  • If you are currently refilling in larger amounts every few months, you may be able to avoid this fee by refilling monthly for smaller amounts.
  • If you are routinely going significantly over the limit, you may be better served by upgrading to a bigger meter.
  • Maintain opening and closing credit balance in your account in excess of $50.

Select one of the options below to view overage fee examples:

Overage Fee Details - Single Meter Account

If the aggregate meter refills plus applicable taxes within a billing cycle exceeds the meter threshold built in to your agreement, the overage fee will be charged.


See below for examples specific to your meter:


Model: mailstation®, K7C2, HW10/HZ10, DM125, PREC, DM100i, P7EC


Model: DM300-DM475, G910, 9H10, 8H10, 7H10


Models: R750, 1ACT, 1MCT, MSF1, MSF2, MSF3, 4W10, 1W10



Overage Fee Details - Master Account

Using your PitneyWorks statement, confirm the total postage including taxes downloaded within the billing cycle and the overage amount charged.

Your account is billed 1% over a monthly threshold of either $550 or $3,750.  The threshold assigned to your account is determined based on the overall meter model composition of your Master Account.

See below for examples:

Overage Fee Example for $550 Threshold Category


Overage Fee Example for $3,750 Threshold Category


Learn More:

What is PitneyWorks