PitneyAnalytics Release Notes version 1.89.0 (September 11, 2024)

PitneyAnalytics Release Notes for version 1.89.0 (September 11, 2024)
Products affected:PitneyAnalytics™

New Features & Enhancements

Added new fields to Shipment Details report

Added User Name and Recipient address fields to the Shipment Details report. Users can use the information from these two fields for internal reporting.

Added new fields to Receiving Reports

Added two new fields in Package History and Package Detail Report in the Receiving tab.

  • Received Agent/ User: Shows the user display name when the Package Status is Received.
  • Delivery Agent/ User: Shows the user display name when the Package Status is Delivered.

Added reference fields for Mailing in Shipment Details Report

Reference fields are mapped for Shipping and Mailing transactions in the Shipment Details report .The following fields will be visible when applicable:

  • Memo / Reference One / Job ID 2
  • Reference Two / Department
  • Reference Three / Invoice
  • Reference Four
  • Reference Five
  • Reference Six
  • Shipper Reference / Job ID 1
  • Transportation Reference

Issues Fixed

There are no new fixes in this release.

UPDATED: 19 September 2024