Adding a manual surcharge rule in PitneyAnalytics

Using rules you define, you can automatically add surcharges to any defined shipping and mailing transaction shown on your reports in PitneyAnalytics.
Products affected: PitneyAnalytics

Using rules you define, you can automatically add surcharges to any defined shipping and mailing transaction shown on your reports. These surcharges can be applied as a percentage of the base charge or a fixed dollar amount, and can be applied anywhere from a single location to the entire enterprise.

You can add surcharges based on

  • Job ID 1/Shipper Reference
  • Job ID 2/Memo
  • Carrier Surcharge (the carrier condition must be configured before applying this rule)
  • Carrier Extra Service (the carrier and service name conditions must be configured before applying this rule)
  • Job Type (Seal Only and Permit)

Important: Surcharge rules cannot be applied to past transactions.

  1. Select Analytics > Manual Transactions.
    Analytics menu with manual transactions
  2. Click Accounting.
  3. Click Manage Surcharges.
    manage surcharges tab
  4. Click Add Surcharge Rule.
  5. Enter a Name for your rule.
  6. Add Conditions for your rule.
    Manual surcharge rule conditions
  7. Add Actions for your rule. You can specify a percentage of the base charge or a fixed dollar amount.
    Manual surchage rule actions
  8. Select the locations in your organization to process these manual surcharges. You can apply a rule anywhere from a single location to the entire enterprise.
  9. Click Save.

The manual surcharges will be displayed in your sending report.
report with additional surcharges column

UPDATED: 24 February 2025