Error Code: 0193610001, How to resolve on the Connect+ 500W, Connect+ 1000 and more

Learn how to resolve error code 0193610001 on the Connect+ 500W, Connect+ 1000, Connect+ 2000, and Connect+ 3000.
Poducts affected: Connect+ 500W®, Connect+ 1000®, Connect+ 2000®, and Connect+ 3000®


The Connect+® displays error code 0193-61-0001 and will not print.


The funds available reached the low threshold.


Your funds available reached the low threshold set on your Connect+. To resolve this error, add postage to your meter to bring your funds available above your low funds threshold.
  1. Select the green house key at the top of your screen to go to your Home screen
  2. Select Funds
  3. Select Add postage to meter
  4. Select Refill amount, and press Confirm
  5. Print Receipt, if needed
Alternately, you can resolve this error by adjusting your low funds warning threshold.
  1. Select the green house key at the top of your screen to go to your Home screen
  2. Select Funds
  3. Select Refill settings
  4. Increase amount in Warn when postage in meter is below:
  5. Select OK
  6. Select Done
If your issue is not resolved, contact customer support from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern Time. Have your model number ready.

UPDATED: 14 August 2021