Submit a contract cancellation request

How to cancel a rental or lease contract you have with Pitney Bowes.
Pitney Bowes clients that rent or lease equipment.

Learn how to cancel a rental or lease contract you have with Pitney Bowes.

Cancel a rental contract

If the equipment is under a rental contract, it may be cancelled after the initial term ends by providing Pitney Bowes with 30 days notice. Please call Pitney Bowes at 1-800-672-6937 or contact your sales representative. Have your Customer Account Number available when you call.

Alternatively, Sign in to Your Account to request a cancellation through your online portal.

Cancel a Lease contract

If the equipment is under a lease contract, it can not be canceled during the lease term. At the end of the lease term, you can cancel by providing Pitney Bowes with 60 days notice. Please call Pitney Bowes at 1-800-672-6937 or contact your sales representative. Have your Customer Account Number available when you call.

Alternatively, Sign in to Your Account to request a cancellation through your online portal.

UPDATED: 16 September 2024