Smart, simple shipping and mailing solutions | Pitney Bowes

Ensuring accuracy, security and compliance through strategic partnership

Partnering with Pitney Bowes opens the door to a new class of clients for B-Source Outline

Client profile

Swiss business process outsourcing company, specializing in output management

Serves the highly regulated European financial services industry

Offers industry-leading security and privacy for confidential documents 

Business Goals

Retool workflow to become more competitive

Achieve zero-defect accuracy to meet the demands of private banking clients

Reduce costs and boost efficiency 


Met stringent banking industry and client security and compliance requirements

Achieved 200 percent efficiency gains and increased quality

Reduced operating costs, which translates to 300 percent savings for clients 

Executive Summary

“One wrong envelope is not an option. For our private banking clients, accuracy must be 100 percent.” Rene Felder,
B-Source Outline

B-Source Outline is a leading business process outsourcing company with a production facility in Winterthur, Switzerland. The company specializes in client communication management, and as befits its Swiss location, its focus is on serving the financial services industry—including private Swiss banks—as well as the insurance and real estate industries.

The company provides both physical and electronic document processing capabilities for its clients, who depend on B-Source Outline for industry-leading security and privacy for the confidential documents it produces. These include bank statements, credit card statements, insurance documents and invoices.

Business Challenge

In the highly regulated European banking environment, there can be no mistakes. This is the paramount challenge faced by B-Source Outline. As an outsourcing provider, the company had taken on the people and infrastructure for various clients, leading to a mixture of inherited inserters, printers and processes, and an increasingly complex, inefficient environment.  

What’s more, the company relied on outside vendors for the printing of colour forms, supplements and envelopes, which then had to be personalized and processed in-house. The logistics and high costs aside, this system was time-intensive and, despite meticulous quality monitoring, prone to errors.

At the same time, the financial services industry was introducing more stringent security requirements, while clients were requiring higher levels of accuracy and increased privacy for their customers. In order to remain competitive, it was clear that B-Source Outline needed to retool its workflow.


B-Source replaced eight existing inserters with three Pitney Bowes multichannel inserting systems — two Mailstream Evolution™ mail finishing systems that can process a wide range of materials, including flats, letters and booklets, and one high-performance Mailstream Productivity Series equipped with the Print+ Messenger™ Color Inkjet System, which delivers dynamic individualized full-colour envelope printing. This greatly simplified the infrastructure, ensured accuracy, and provided advanced new capabilities.

Once new workflows and colour print processes were implemented, the company discovered the untapped potential in their new Pitney Bowes solution. B-Source Outline was able to win new business serving high-wealth private Swiss banks where strict privacy requirements had to be met. Concurrently, European banks were imposing ever more stringent regulations, and thanks to the strategic partnership forged with Pitney Bowes, B-Source Outline is in compliance today, and is positioned to meet new security regulations as they evolve.   

Results and Benefits

“Pitney Bowes is the only company today that can help us fulfill our compliance requirements. The solution provides an unmatched level of security. We need to prove to clients that we can comply, and now we can offer them an absolute assurance of security.” Rene Felder,
B-Source Outline

Technology from Pitney Bowes allows B-Source Outline to gain the benefit of the White Paper Factory™ approach to document creation. The company can now produce standard output for real estate and insurance clients in house, on demand, and has reduced operating costs substantially.

Going from the eight legacy inserters down to three Pitney Bowes inserters has boosted speed and saved money, but for B-Source Outline, the goal is not to be the fastest or the cheapest. Rather, it is to be the most secure and accurate in the industry. Even so, the efficiency gains B-Source Outline has achieved with its new infrastructure are staggering. Felder estimates the company is 200 percent more efficient.

Working in partnership with Pitney Bowes has allowed B-Source Outline to continually evolve its infrastructure to meet new client requirements as they develop. B-Source Outline also benefits from onsite Pitney Bowes staff that provide ongoing operator training to ensure the highest performance and productivity.