Canada Post Electronic Shipping Tool FAQs

Find detailed information about the Canada Post Electronic Shipping Tool (EST) with our frequently asked questions and answers.

UPDATED: 29 January 2016

Frequently Asked Questions - Canada Post Electronic Shipping Tool (EST):  Supplier Account payment option

What is EST?
The Canada Post Electronic Shipping Tool allows clients to prepare shipping labels with postage to be affixed to your packages. You can compare rates and delivery times to select the best fit for your needs and pay for your shipments using your existing PitneyWorks® account.


What does Canada Post mean by Supplier Account?
The Supplier Account refers to your Pitney Bowes PitneyWorks account.


How does Canada Post know what my PitneyWorks account number is?
You will need to go to your Canada Post online account and supply your Pitney Bowes Account number (found at the top of your rental or lease statement, or provided to you by Pitney Bowes) to enable the Supplier Account payment option. Select this as your default payment option and future shipments will be charged to your PitneyWorks account.

When you supply your overall Pitney Bowes Account number the shipping charges will be posted to Pitney Bowes and assigned to your PitneyWorks account so you can see them on your PitneyWorks statement when payment is due.


Will Canada Post still accept a parcel with a postage meter impression for payment?
Yes, a postage meter impression is still a valid method of payment until July 1, 2016. You must make sure not to select Supplier Account as the payment option when you affix a meter strip or you will be paying twice.


I am seeing extra charges for my shipments on my PitneyWorks statement. Why?
If Canada Post determines that there is insufficient postage on the EST shipping label, they reserve the right to charge the balance of the postage due to your PitneyWorks account.