"This postage meters cost accounts are managed using the Pitney Bowes Shipping 360 platform" on the SendPro C Lite, SendPro C, SendPro+, SendPro C Auto, SendPro P and SendPro MailCenter
See your Client Administrator to have accounts added or removed from your device if the message "This postage meters cost accounts are managed using the Pitney Bowes Shipping 360 platform. Sign-in to your subscription to manage the cost accounts for this meters location" appears.
Products affected: SendPro® C Lite, SendPro® C, SendPro®+, SendPro® C Auto (8H00, 9H00), SendPro® P1000, SendPro® P1500, SendPro® P2000, SendPro® P3000, SendPro® MailCenter 1000, SendPro® MailCenter 2000, SendPro® MailCenter 3000
When managing your cost accounts the message "This postage meters cost accounts are managed using the Pitney Bowes Shipping 360 platform. Sign-in to your subscription to manage the cost accounts for this meters location" appears.
The cost accounts on your device are managed with Account List Management (ALM) in PitneyShip Analytics.
See your Client Administrator to have accounts added or removed from your device.
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UPDATED: December 16, 2024