Viewing manual transactions in ShipAccel

Use manual transactions to import transaction data from products that aren't supported directly by ShipAccel.
Products affected: ShipAccel

Use manual transactions to import transaction data from products that aren't supported directly by ShipAccel. This helps you keep track of all the mailing and shipping expenses within the analytics tool, make all the transactions accountable in the system, and charge back the respective cost center.

You can view your manual transactions in two ways:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Spend Summary Report


  1. Select Analytics > Dashboard.
    anayltics menu dashboard highlighted

  2. Scroll down to the Sending Activity section.
    analytics dashboard manual transactions
  3. Hover over Manual Transactions (1) to highlight data in the column graph.
  4. Hover over a column (2) to see details.

Spend Summary Report

  1. Select Analytics > Manual Transactions.
    Analytics menu with manual transactions
  2. By default, the report is grouped by Location. Click the + icon to add another grouping.
    add report grouping
  3. Select Spend Type.
    add view by spend type
  4. Add another report grouping.
  5. Select Item Type.
    add view by item type
  6. Expand the Location rows to see details. If manual transactions have been entered, they will be displayed.

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UPDATED: October 03, 2024