Enabling USPS SCAN Form 5630 printing in ShipAccel

USPS Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN) Form 5630 saves time because instead of scanning each individual shipping label, SCAN Form 5630 only needs to be scanned once to upload all of that day's shipping labels to the USPS systems. The SCAN form must be enabled prior to printing any shipping labels that need to be included on a SCAN form.
Products affected: ShipAccel

USPS Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN) Form 5630 functions as a shipping manifest for the USPS. This is created after all of your shipping labels for the day have been printed. This saves time because instead of requiring USPS to scan each individual shipping label during pickup or dropoff, USPS only needs to scan SCAN Form 5630 once to upload all of that day's shipping labels to their systems. Using a SCAN form also helps ensure that all of your packages receive a USPS acceptance scan, improving visibility of your packages when you track them.

The features and options you see may vary depending upon your role and subscription. If you have any questions regarding your permissions, please contact your administrator.

  1. Select Settings > SCAN Forms & Manifests.
  2. Select Enable SCAN form printing.
  3. In the Ship From ZIP for all SCAN Form Labels field, enter the ZIP Code from which you send SCAN form labels. This ZIP Code will be used as the Ship From This ZIP Code for all USPS shipping labels. You will not be able to change it on the Rates and Services screen.

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UPDATED: October 04, 2024