PitneyShip Pro Release Notes version 1.89.0 (September 11, 2024)

PitneyShip Pro Release Notes for version 1.89.0 (September 11, 2024).
Products affected: PitneyShip® Pro

New Features & Enhancements

Updated USPS Certified Mail Return Receipt Info message

Updated the USPS Certified Mail info icon message to provide more information to the user to prevent confusion.

Updated UI message for USPS Registered Mail with insurance value

Updated the message for Registered value in the Registered Mail with Insurance service. If users enter a value over $50,000, they’ll see: Max insurance limit is $50,000. USPS accepts packages valued higher but insures only up to this limit.

Users can click the info icon to see: Registered value is the total value of your shipment. The maximum USPS insurance coverage is $50,000.

This change applies to all USPS mail classes and packaging types.

Updated DHL Carrier onboarding

Updated the DHL Express onboarding to provie users with a smoother onboarding process.

Updated reprinting error message

Updated the reprinting error message related to connectivity to include troubleshooting steps and a link to the knowledge article for further troubleshooting.

UPS Certification

Newly added accounts will be visible to clients. The user can print and use/save the License Agreement for future reference.

Issues Fixed

There were no issues fixed in this release.

UPDATED: September 17, 2024