PitneyAnalytics Release Notes version 1.88.0 (August 23, 2024)

PitneyAnalytics Release Notes for version 1.88.0 (August 23, 2024)
Products affected: PitneyAnalytics™

New Features & Enhancements

Consolidated transactional view for recommendations generated

Advanced advisor users can view the transactions associated with the recommended potential savings by using the Recommendations filter in the Shipment Details Report.These recommendations will appear dynamically. The recommendations shown will be based on the current user.

Savings for all carriers

Savings are now shown for all carriers in the Spend Summary Report, Shipment Detail Report, and Dashboard. Previously, only savings for USPS were shown.

Stamps refund data

A Refund Status column for stamps was added to the Shipment Details Report. The respective columns will display the refund amount and piece count.

Issues Fixed

There are no new fixes in this release.

UPDATED: August 27, 2024