Viewing specific savings recommendations in PitneyAnalytics

You can filter your shipment details report to show transactions where savings recommendations apply.
Products affected: PitneyAnalytics

Use the "ways to save" filter in the shipment details report to show transactions where savings recommendations apply.

This report can also be accessed from the Advisor Insights and Recommendations page, and from the Savings Advisor tab in the sending report.

The features and options you see may vary depending upon your role and subscription. If you have any questions regarding your permissions, please contact your administrator.

  1. Select Analytics > Reports.
    select Analytics > Reports
  2. Click Shipment Details Report.
    select shipment details report tab
  3. Use the filters to select the data you wish to view.
    analytics dashboard filters

    1. Filter: The default value is Division/Region.
    2. Division/Region: Select the divisions you wish to view.
    3. Location: Select the locations you wish to view.
    4. Decimal preferences: Select two or three decimal places.
    5. Date Range: Select one of the preset time periods, or select Custom Range to enter a specific date range.
    6. Refresh: Once you have selected all of your options, click the refresh icon to display the report.
  4. Click the AllShipments filter to select a recommendation.
    savings recommendations filter

The report will show transactions where you have potential savings if you follow the recommendations.
recommdations for aditional savings

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UPDATED: August 30, 2024