Failed to export a text file using SFTP when using a semicolon as a delimiter in SendPro Enterprise

You are unable to export a text file using SFTP when using a semicolon as a delimiter.
Products affected: SendPro® Enterprise


Unable to export a text file using SFTP when using a semicolon as a delimiter.


An unsupported character was used.


SendPro Enterprise must be version 8.58.0 or Higher. To request an upgrade, please contact Software Support.

Recreate existing templates using the following steps:

  1. Open the Data Management App v1.8.
  2. Select the Export tab.
  3. Select + Setup Export.
  4. Select SFTP Location.
  5. Enter your SFTP credentials.
  6. Select the desired data type export.
  7. Apply the desired filters by selecting + Add Filter,
  8. Click Next once you have made your choices.
  9. Select the desired mappings and click Next.
  10. Add another entity type if desired, or click Next.
  11. Select the choices from the Export Options.
  12. Save the template by checking the Save As a Template box.
  13. Name the template and click Save. You can now run the template.

UPDATED: March 28, 2024