Error PSOC01 on the SendPro C Lite, SendPro C, SendPro+, SendPro C Auto

Reboot your device if the error PSOC01 appears.
Products affected: SendPro® C Lite, SendPro® C, SendPro®+, SendPro C Auto (8H00, 9H00)


Error PSOC01 appears on the device.


There was an internal hardware fault.


If the power button is flashing blue or solid blue, flashing red or solid red, reboot the device.

  1. Unplug the power cord. The screen turns off after 10 seconds.
  2. Wait 30 seconds.
  3. Plug the power cord directly back into a wall outlet. Check that the wall outlet is working correctly.
  4. Quickly tap and release the power button to turn the device back on.

The Power button should turn white. If it turns blue, the power button was held down too long.


  • When turning the device on, just tap the power button. Do not hold it down.
  • When turning the device off, hold the power button for only 5 seconds.
  • Repeat steps 1 to 4 twice to see if the power button changes to steady white.
  • If there are issues turning the device off with the power button, unplug the power cord.

UPDATED: July 09, 2024