Downloading multiple ERR Proof of Delivery signatures at once in PitneyShip Pro or PitneyShip Enterprise

Multiple Proof of Delivery signatures for ERR transactions can be downloaded at one time.
Products affected: PitneyShip® Pro, PitneyShip® Enterprise

Multiple Proof of Delivery signatures for ERR transactions can be downloaded at one time.

The features and options you see may vary depending upon your role and subscription. If you have any questions regarding your permissions, please contact your administrator.

  1. From the Shipping & Mailing menu, select Proof of Delivery.
  2. From the All Shipments menu, select All With Signature.
  3. If needed, sort the transaction history by date or delivery status to further refine the list.
  4. Select Download.
    Download button
  5. In your Downloads folder, find the downloaded file and extract the files.

UPDATED: December 12, 2023