Scanning a combined ZIP Code and customer reference number barcode label on the SendPro MailCenter

Follow these steps to create a job that will allow you to scan the combined barcode label on the SendPro MailCenter. Setting up the job in this manner will ensure you can process mail as quickly as possible.

Products affected: SendPro® MailCenter 1000, SendPro® MailCenter 2000, SendPro® MailCenter 3000

Follow these steps to create a job that will allow you to scan the combined barcode label. Setting up the job in this manner will ensure you can process mail as quickly as possible.

Before You Begin

  • In order to use ERR, you should have a Bulk Proof of Delivery - Form 5053 on file with the USPS and been given a 9-digit USPS Mailer ID. You will need to enter this number when using ERR. If not, please contact your sales representative.
  • ERR is available when you use the Attached Scale or Manual Weight entry modes.

IMPORTANT: Turn off all tracking services prompts, except for Print Receipt, before creating and running mail with a combined barcode label job. If necessary, the prompts can be turned on again later.

Creating a Combined Barcode Label Job

  1. Place a piece of mail or package on the scale.
  2. Select Class from the Job Properties list on the left side of the screen.
  3. Select the class from the Class services list box, for example, First Class.
  4. Select the mailpiece type, for example, Letter.
  5. Select the Electronic Certified special service from the Extra services list on the right. As soon as you select the service, a check mark appears in front of it
  6. You are prompted to enter a ZIP Code. Scan the combined barcode label and select OK.
  7. Scan the next tracking label to be used.
    • If you have used all of the labels in a series of tracking number labels, make sure you start with the top label with the lowest last 4-digits and not the bottom label with the highest last 4-digits.
  8. Select Electronic Return Receipt from the Extra services list.
  9. Select OK.
  10. Scan the combined barcode label. The Customer Reference Number will appear in the Job Properties list box on the left side of the screen.
  11. Save the job.
    1. Select Save as.
    2. Enter a new job name (e.g. ERR Job) and then select OK.
  12. Select the Tape button to print a tape. To print postage on the piece of mail, select the Start button.
    If you have accounting on your system, make sure you have selected an account for this job or you will not be able to print postage.
  13. Remove the piece of mail or package from the scale. Apply the tracking label, combined barcode label and postage tape.
  14. The system provides you with the option of automatically printing a receipt after every mailpiece. Select the appropriate option to continue.
  15. The system will ask you if you want to track another package. Select No to complete the job.

Running mail with a combined barcode label job

Follow the steps below to run mail with a job that will allow you to scan the combined barcode label.

  1. Place a piece of mail or package on the scale.
  2. Open the combined barcode label job (e.g. ERR Job). If the job is already open, select Reload.
  3. Scan the next tracking label to be used.
  4. Scan the combined barcode label. The Destination ZIP Code and Customer Reference Number will appear in the Job Properties list box on the left side of the screen.
  5. Select the Tape button to print a tape. To print postage on the piece of mail, select the Start button.
    If you have accounting on your system, make sure you have selected an account for this job or you will not be able to print postage.
  6. Remove the piece of mail or package from the scale. Apply the tracking label, combined barcode label and postage tape.
  7. The system will ask you if you want to track another piece or package. If you have finished processing mail with the selected class and service, select No to complete the job.
  8. If you want to process additional mailpieces with the selected class and service, follow these steps:
    IMPORTANT: Do not place the piece of mail or package on the scale until the ZIP Code prompt appears.
    1. Select Yes, same class & service to continue.
    2. You are prompted to enter a ZIP Code. Place the piece of mail or package on the scale.
    3. Scan the combined barcode label and select OK.
    4. Scan the next tracking label to be used.
    5. Scan the combined barcode label. The Customer Reference Number will appear in the Job Properties list box.
  9. Repeat steps 5 - 7.

UPDATED: January 29, 2025