Tax Identification Number (TIN)
Learn why Pitney Bowes requires your company's TIN and how to update it.
A Tax Identification Number or TIN is a nine-digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). An individual or sole proprietorship may not have a TIN and will need to provide either their 9 digit Social Security Number (SSN) or 9 digit Employer Identification Number (EIN).
Why do we need your company's identification number?
We are required to collect this information for all Pitney Bowes financial products and services to help fight financial crimes, federal regulation requires certain financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information about the legal entity of our customers. Legal entities can be abused to disguise involvement in terrorist financing, money laundering, tax evasion, corruption, fraud, and other financial crimes. Requiring the disclosure of key individuals who ultimately own or control a legal entity helps law enforcement investigate and prosecute these crimes.How do we verify this identification number?
We are required by federal regulations to collect and verify the Legal Business Name, Address, and TIN in relation to opening a new account. To ensure timely verification, please ensure all information matches the information on your company's W-9 form.
Need to submit or update an identification number?
- Download the TIN Form.
- Fill in the form with the same information on your company's W-9 Form.
- Follow the instructions on the form to submit.
- The request will be processed within 3 business days.
UPDATED: July 24, 2024