Tracking number not going into manifest group when scanning barcode with Tracking Assistant used with SendSuite Tracking or SendSuite Arrival

Learn how to resolve an issue when scanning a tracking number barcode, where the tracking number stays on the manifest screen and does not go into the manifest group unless you select save.
Products affected: SendSuite® Tracking, SendSuite® Arrival®, T746 handheld Tracking Assistant


When scanning a barcode with a Tracking Assistant, the tracking number stays on the manifest screen and does not go into the manifest group unless you select save.


The DataWedge process is turned on.


To resolve this issue, turn off the DataWedge process:
  1. On the Tracking Assistant, select Log Out.
  2. Sign back in using pbrep as the username with no password.
  3. Select the triangle icon at the bottom of the screen and select Exit to OS.
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  1. Select Yes.
  2. Select the Windows Start icon > Settings > System > DataWedge.
  3. To the right of Running, select Yes to turn off DataWedge. Once it is turned off, the status will show as Stopped.
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  1. Restart the Tracking Assistant by pressing and holding the red power button for approximately 5 seconds.
If the issue is not resolved, contact software support.

UPDATED: August 14, 2021