Error 0199-2100-0A (AP_PUC_FAILED_TO_CREATE_SC_MGR) on the Connect+ Series and SendPro P

Learn how to resolve error 0199-2100-0A (AP_PUC_FAILED_TO_CREATE_SC_MGR) on the Connect+ Series and SendPro P.

Products affected: Connect+® 500W, Connect+® 1000, Connect+® 2000, Connect+® 3000, SendPro® P1000, SendPro® P1500, SendPro® P2000, SendPro® P3000


Your mailing machine displays error 0199-2100-0A (AP_PUC_FAILED_TO_CREATE_SC_MGR).


You have an internal software error.


Follow these steps to resolve your error:

  1. Tap OK.
  2. Hold your Power button for 10 seconds to turn it off, if your Power button's blue light is lit.
  3. Wait one minute.
  4. Press the Power button to turn your mailing machine back on.
  5. Clear any other errors or messages when you restart.

If you need further assistance, please contact us. Have your model number ready.

UPDATED: March 11, 2022