How to determine if you have Soft-Guard coverage

Learn how to determine if you have Soft-Guard coverage.

Products affected:  DM Infinity™ Connect+ 500W®, Connect+ 1000®, Connect+ 2000®, Connect+ 3000®, SendPro™ P1000, SendPro™ P1500, SendPro™ P2000, SendPro™ P3000, SendPro® C-Series, SendPro® C Auto 

Learn how to determine if you have Soft-Guard coverage.

During a 12-month subscription period with Soft-Guard®, your Pitney Bowes Connect+® systems SendPro C and SendPro™ P Series systems are eligible for qualified rate data updates with no additional charge. Without a Soft-Guard agreement, rate data update costs are billed individually.

Follow these steps to sign in to your account to see if your equipment is covered by Soft-Guard:

  1. Sign in to the Pitney Bowes Your Account online portal.
  2. If prompted, select Your Account business portal, otherwise, you will be directed to the Your Account dashboard.
  3. Select Your Account and click Contract Details.
  4. Click Contract Details next to the required contract.
  5. Select Equipment & Software.
  6. SoftGuard will display under the product name field if you have SoftGuard coverage.

UPDATED: December 18, 2024