Streamline operations with comprehensive mailing and shipping analytics

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Smarter decision-making

Make smarter decisions backed by real-time data with proactive insights that suggest ways to optimize your business.
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Easy to use

Improve operations by quickly identifying and acting upon insights with our easy-to-use interface.
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Total visibility

Optimize your operations with total visibility into shipping, mailing, and receiving.
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Helps improve efficiency

Identify hotspots to improve efficiency with user or location-based reporting.


1. What is PitneyAnalytics?

Built on our Shipping 360 platform, PitneyAnalytics is a cloud-based solution that aggregates data across different Shipping 360 and SendPro solutions. It provides organizations with a holistic view of their shipping, mailing, receiving and distribution operations.

2. What information can I view with PitneyAnalytics?

With PitneyAnalytics, you can view shipping, mailing, and receiving data in one place without searching multiple sources of data. It also helps you visualize data more easily with the an actionable dashboard and an interactive spend map.

3. Who is PitneyAnalytics ideal for?

If you’re a Pitney Bowes client with sending, receiving, tracking, and distribution solutions who wants to access important data from these solutions in one centralized place, PitneyAnalytics is ideal for you.

4. What are shipping analytics?

The collection and analysis of shipping and mailing data to uncover patterns to make smarter decisions that reduce costs and increase efficiencies.

5. What are some examples of shipping KPIs?

Examples of outbound mailing and shipping KPIs include shipping spend, package sending volumes, and average shipment amount.

Also, inbound or receiving KPIs include average delivery time, average daily delivery, total undelivered packages, total packages delivered, and total packages received.