Is the digital mail center the future of mailing?
The world of in-house mail is excited with talk of digital mail centers, but what exactly is a digital mail center?
A digital mail center is the automation of inbound and outbound mail. It’s using intelligent document creation and processing techniques, aligned with document scanning, document capture, postal payment technology and so much more. Organizations can digitize mail and automate indexation, classification and distribution within an organization as well as to external agents and clients.
Paper and electronic mail can be securely managed through the same processes, allowing for business optimization. This creates a comprehensive audit trail, which adheres to your company policies and industry standards.
A digital mail center may be perceived as a major commitment for a company; however, if your business is reliant upon distributing or receiving any amount of mail, the benefits associated can be vast.
Why a Digital Mail Center?
In the USPS® 2014 Household Diary Study, the number of parcels received in the mail by U.S. residents increased 16% from 2012 to 2014, indicating they had purchased something online. Every year, mail volumes increase dramatically before the holiday season and this seasonal factor creates a moment in time where accuracy and speed of engagement are critical.
Mail centers are populated by people and we can make human errors. Digital mail centers do not suffer this problem; in addition, they help mail center staff to be more productive. This assurance means your mail is processed more effectively with greater, predictable accurately. Moreover, a digital mail center allows you to combine paper and electronic mail simultaneously, so information is saved and accessible at any time.
Benefits of a Digital Mail Center
- The correct circulation of information is a major advantage. Digital mail centers allow users to receive immediate notification of a document’s arrival at the company; employees can access information immediately, regardless of where the documents are, physically or digitally
- Digital mail centers help to reduce operating costs. Not only costs associated with staff but with the distribution of letters, paper costs, and network or cabinet storage for any documents, releasing valuable office space.
- You may also easily track items within your CRM & EDM systems, allowing for greater control over stock and documents. Mail and package tracking has become a necessity for many professions, especially those in e-retail, as consumers need to be able to gain access to where their item is at any time.
- A system that allows you and your client to track an item leads to better customer service. Consumers now hold the majority of the buying power, so whatever information you are able to supply to them about their item may give the opportunity to market your advantage over your competitors and add depth of engagement to your CRM database.
Learn more about multi-channel communications and ways to improve mail center efficiencies.