Contact the Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Shareholders may contact the Board about corporate governance or matters related to the Board. Communications about these topics will be received and processed by management before being forwarded to the Board, a committee of the Board, or the Chair of the Board, as appropriate. Communications relating to other topics, including those that are primarily commercial in nature, will not be forwarded.


  • Send an e-mail to: [email protected]
  • Send a letter to:
    C/O Corporate Secretary
    Pitney Bowes Inc.
    3001 Summer Street
    Stamford, CT 06926-0700


Audit Committee Chair

Questions or concerns about internal accounting controls, an accounting matter, or an auditing matter, may be submitted confidentially or anonymously to any of these channels:


  • Contact Ethics Helpline at 1-888-407-3485 (US). 
  • Send an e-mail to: [email protected]  
  • Send an e-mail to: [email protected]
  • Send a letter to:
    C/O Corporate Secretary
    Pitney Bowes Inc.
    3001 Summer Street
    Stamford, CT 06926-0700