Pitney Bowes among America’s Best Employers 2023
The survey conducted by Forbes and Statista Inc., covered approximately 45,000 American employees working for companies with more than 1,000 workers in the United States. The evaluation was based on direct and indirect recommendations from respondents who were asked to rate their willingness to recommend their own employer to friends and family.

Words from our CEO
Our people are the heart of our business. They are the ones that make Pitney Bowes a great place to work. We are extremely honored to be included among the best employers in America. It reinforces Pitney Bowes reputation as a company that provides excellent employment opportunities, and more importantly the reservoir of good will that exists between the company and the people that work here.
- Marc B. Lautenbach, President and CEO
Pitney Bowes 2021 Engagement Survey Results
84% of Pitney Bowes Employees would recommend Pitney Bowes as a good place to work.
"Pitney Bowes is a place that not only talks about diversity and inclusion, but actually demonstrates it as well. I feel it in every conversation. Everybody is being valued. People pause and listen or ask that clarifying question. It’s both the diversity and the inclusiveness that I have felt that makes me incredibly proud to have joined— be a part of—Pitney Bowes."
"From the day I walked into Pitney Bowes 23 years ago to today, I have always felt supported and empowered by my managers and my colleagues. Our culture is built on the strength of our diversity, where we support women in our workplace and help them and Pitney Bowes succeed."
"At Pitney Bowes, we celebrate our humanity every day and I have never been more proud to be a part of this organization. We don’t just say 'we do the right thing, the right way', we do it and we are conscious that it’s not always the easy thing."
Take a peek inside Pitney Bowes
Take a peek inside Presort Services Detroit Operating Center
See what it's like to be an essential worker at a Pitney Bowes Global Ecommerce Facility