The PitneyShip ™ Cube: An All-In-One Solution for Your Shipping Needs
Small businesses are increasingly focusing theirselling efforts entirely online. From solo operations selling handmade jewelry on Etsy to dozens of people making custom t-shirts, online shops are today’s preferred marketplace. But as convenient as online selling is, one overwhelming challenge remains — preparing and shipping online orders — which involves an inordinate amount of time at the post office: weighing, packing, labeling, and worst of all — waiting.
Meet the PitneyShip™ Cube, an all-in-one parcel prep device that handles weighing, labeling, and package measurements, adds tracking capability, and eliminates the waiting.Here’s how it works.

Weight and Dimension
Unlike competitors’ solutions that require customers use a separate scale,taking up valuable deskspace, The PitneyShip™ Cube has a built-in scale capableof measuring parcel weights up to fifteen pounds. With such accuracy at yourfingertips, you can eliminate shipping weight uncertainty a requirement for creating a shipping label and choose the correct packaging for your product. Similarly,the built-in dimensioning tool allows your to measure packages accurately and with ease.
Arguably the most cumbersome part of shipping prep, printing shipping labels is time consuming and potentially costly. Online sellers are frequently forced to either buy shipping labels from a third party or print them at home and printer ink is not cheap.
The PitneyShip™ Cube makes printing shipping labels easy and affordable. This complimentary, cost-free software allows shippers to easily choose a label and complete it with appropriate, accurate information. The PitneyShip™ Cube’s built-inprinter eliminates the need for expensive ink refills by using thermal printing to print the label for you, including your choice of shipping service (e.g., USPS, UPS, FedEx) at current discount rates. With The PitneyShip™ Cube, you can use the shipping service you and/or your customers prefer at a price that works for everyone. Not only that,but the cube automatically cuts the labels for you!
The benefits don’t end once your product has shipped. With the included software, you can track your parcels throughout their shipping journey, and this data can be shared withcustomers for a smooth shipping experience from start to finish.
Most e-sellers prefer to conduct business through a seller site, rather than starting their own from scratch. The PitneyShip Cube and its tracking capability can connect directly to top seller sites, including Amazon, eBay, and Shopify.
When you’re selling online, the ability to prep, ship,and track packages efficiently cannot be overstated. The PitneyShip™ Cube is the resource you’ve been missing — bringing all the efficiency you need to one desktop device.
Streamline your e-commerce shipping processes with the PitneyShip™ Cube.