Smart Access Management Release Notes version 1.91.0 (09 October 2024)

Smart Access Management Release Notes for version 1.91.0 (09 October 2024)

Products Affected: Smart Access Management®

New Features & Enhancements

Text added to search bar

Text was added to the search bar stating that a minimum of 3 characters is required to generate search results. This text will be visible on every screen that contains a search box.

Add badge for staff

When adding a new staff member for the first time, users have the option to print a badge and choose the information to be included on it. This can include printing a QR code for easy check-in. Once the staff member has signed in for the first time, users can print a new badge by accessing the staff activity and selecting Print Badge.

Issues Fixed

Unable to use Entra

Users were receiving an error message after entering Entra details and hitting Save. This issue has been resolved.

Error message when editing staff workflow

Users were receiving an error message when editing the staff workflow. This issue has been resolved.

UPDATED: 15 October 2024