Loading pre-flapped envelopes on the Relay 3000-4000

Learn how to load pre-flapped envelopes on the Relay 3000 and Relay 4000.
Products affected: Relay 3000™, Relay 4000™
Watch this video to learn how to load pre-flapped envelopes, or follow the directions after the video.

Note: Envelopes that are excessively curled can cause stalls - running pre-flapped envelopes can avoid these stalls.

To load pre-flapped envelopes:
  1. Pre-flap or open the envelopes before loading them into the envelope feeder.
  2. Load the pre-flapped envelopes into the feeder.
  3. Press the button to raise the envelope elevator.
  4. Process your job as normal.

UPDATED: 29 May 2024