Creating personal correspondence international shipping labels with PitneyShip Pro
You can create and print a shipping label for an international package.
The features and options you see may vary depending upon your role and subscription. If you have any questions regarding your permissions, please contact your administrator.
Note: Service to international destinations may vary by carrier.
The overall process for adding a label is the same for all carriers, although package sizes and services may vary. This article documents processing an international mailpiece containing personal correspondence. If your mailpiece contains business correspondence or please see Related topics below.
If you are sending a parcel to locations within the UK (excluding Jersey), please follow the instructions in Printing a domestic shipping label.
Follow the steps below for mail items destined for outside of the UK when sending Personal Correspondence of no monetary value as well as items with value.
- Send an international personal correspondence mailpiece
- Enter the recipient address and details
- Select your package size and service
- Entering Custom Details
- Print your label
Send an international personal correspondence mailpiece
- On the Send a Parcel tab, select Create Shipping Labels. You can also select a preset from this screen if you have presets already saved.
- Select Create New or Use a Preset. If you use a preset many of the fields will become auto-populated.
- Your sender address will default to the address last used. Click the drop down menu to edit the address, add a new address or to view all saved sender addresses. You must ensure that an email address is associated with your sender address or you will not be able to print a shipping label.
Enter the recipient address and details
- Use the drop down menu to select your destination country.
- Add the recipient's name (required) and company (optional).
- (Optional) If you wish to print multiple labels of the same value and service to different addresses, you must choose a recipient list by selecting Multiple under recipient and then selecting your recipient list from the drop down menu. See related topics below for how to create a recipient list.
- Manually enter the address or click on the Address Book icon to select a recipient address previously saved to Address Book. It is recommended that you import international addresses to your address book. To learn how to do this see related topics below.
- (Optional) Tick Sender or Recipient or both if you would like an automated email notification of the package tracking number sent. Enter the email address for the notification email. Add a comma in between email addresses if you require more than one email sent.
Select your package size and service
- Select your packaging type from the drop down menu.
- Enter the weight. If you have an attached scale, select Get Weight to weigh the item on the scale. If you have more than one scale, select the arrow next to the Get Weightbutton to select your scale.
- Select Shop Rates and Services. Here you can select the type of service you require including Signed For or Special Delivery Guaranteed services if they are available for your mailpiece. The cost will be shown to the right of the service option. Select your desired service and Select Choose Service.
Entering Custom Details
The Provide Custom Details screen will pop up. Select the following options dependent on the contents of your parcel. Be aware of the Royal Mail or Parcelforce requirements below before proceeding with the customs details form.
The maximum value of personal items shipped internationally is currently limited to £270 from PitneyShip Pro
Royal Mail
Royal mail services can be printed on 6x4 labels or A4 paper. Your CN22 or CN23 customs form will be printed with your postage. You will be required to print a commercial invoice separately if sending items for commercial purposes. Items containing goods that do not have mandatory data fields completed will be at risk of being delayed, returned, or even destroyed.
Parcelforce services must be printed on A4 paper.
Note: You will require three copies of your commercial invoice and a copy of your CN23 form.
- In International Shipment Details click the drop down arrow and select Other.
- Enter Personal Correspondence in the item description field.
- Click + Add First Item and enter your Tariff description, Quantity, Value of each item, weight, HS tariff code and where the item was made. You can also pick from the inventory drop down list if you have sent a similar item before.
- Click Save. If you have another item to send click + Add Another Item.
- Click Save and Close.
- Click Add Customs Information. Enter your invoice number, licence number, certificate number plus any other optional information you have.
- Click Save and Close.
- In Accounting and Reference, select a Cost Account if you are using cost accounts.
- (Optional) Add an optional memo/reference and add more information in the more reference options drop down if required.
The shipping label will include a CN22 customs declaration that must be attached to your parcel.
Print your label
- Tick the box to agree conditions and compliance with the prohibited and restricted items list.
- Click Print International Label and Documents.
- Click Download Commercial Invoice Template. This must be printed and included with your package.
- Select your printer.
- In the Select a print size field, ensure either Roll - 4 x 6 or A4 is selected as required. Parcelforce services must be printed on A4 sheets.
- View the print sample.
- Click Print. The value of postage will be debited from your Available funds.
Carrier services and packaging
For further information about size and weight restrictions, visit the carrier's website:
Related topics
UPDATED: 25 March 2025