White screen when trying to take a picture in the PitneyTrack mobile app

If you get a white screen when trying to take a picture in the PitneyTrack mobile app, the camera permission needs to be enabled.
Products affected: PitneyTrack® Mobile App


A white screen appears when trying to take a picture in the SendSuite Tracking Online or PitneyTrack mobile app.


Additional permissions need to be enabled.


If you have a T6MD or T6MS model Tracking Assistant:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps > SendSuite > Permissions > Camera > Enable.

If you have a T7C2 or T7C7 model Tracking Assistant, please chat with us to make this change.

In the PitneyTrack mobile app, both the microphone permission and the camera permission must be allowed in order to take pictures.

UPDATED: 21 May 2024