Locating a barcode on your mailpiece in Relay Integrity Pro

Use the Barcode Location function to move the position of the barcode on a sample page in Relay Integrity Pro.

Products affected: Relay™ Integrity Pro

Use the Barcode Location function to load a sample file and correctly move the position of the barcode and its mandatory clear zone. The clear zone can be displayed or hidden in the Advanced Options screen.

  1. In the Home screen, click Options.
  2. In the Options screen, click Barcode Location.
    barcode location
  3. Click Load Sample File.
    Note: A Sample File is a PDF that contains a sample of the data that you will have on your mailpiece job. This is used to set the various options including barcode placement and data capture areas.
    Load sample file.
  4. Browse to and select your sample file. The first mailpiece of a sample file should contain a mailpiece with the maximum number of pages being processed, and the maximum amount of data and print.
  5. Click and drag the the front page barcode locator (1) to the desired location on the page. If selected the clear zone (2) will automatically be positioned around the barcode.
    Position barcode.
  6. Use the page scroll buttons to check that the barcode locator and clear zone do not infringe upon any data or graphics on subsequent pages within the file.
    • IMPORTANT: Anything inside the clear zone box will not be printed.
    • Only the front page barcode locator can be moved. The rear page barcode locator will be positioned automatically on the rear page (directly behind the front barcode locator position). This allows you to check that there is a clear zone on both the front and rear pages, because print in these areas may be misread read by the barcode reader.
    • Relay Integrity Pro will automatically remove any print located within the barcode locator and clear zone areas on the front page of the mailpiece
    • Avoid placing the barcode locator on any areas which are pre-printed on the paper stock to be used for the mailing. Pre-printed areas will not be displayed on the sample file
  7. Click Set, then click OK in the pop-up message.
  8. Click Close to save the setting and return to the Options screen.

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UPDATED: 13 February 2025