Sending post using Signed For rates on the DM300M-DM400M

If you use Signed For rates, your device now prints a tracking barcode directly onto the mailpiece. You can then track your mail via the Royal Mail website.
Products affected: DM300M™, DM400M™ (G922, RG922, G922A, SG922, RG9224, RG922M, RG9224M)

If you use Signed For rates, your device now prints a tracking barcode directly onto the mailpiece. You can then track your mail via the Royal Mail website.

You can obtain a list of the tracking numbers printed on your device by:

  • Printing a receipt of the tracking number after each Signed For item is printed. You can turn this feature off, if required.
  • Printing receipts using the reports menu within Options.

To print Signed For rates, follow the steps below.

  1. Press Class.
  2. Select RM SignedFor.
  3. Select 1st Class or 2nd Class.
  4. Select the size of the mail you are sending.
    • Letter.
    • Large Letter.
    • Parcel S.
    • Parcel M.
  5. You then return to the Home screen. Insert an envelope into the franking machine or press Tape to print a tape. The franking machine prints the postage.
  6. Press Yes if you want to print a receipt. Otherwise, press No.
  7. Insert an envelope or press Tape to print a receipt. You may need to print multiple receipts.
    Signed For receipt


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UPDATED: 17 June 2024