Searching for an address in the Address Book on the SendPro C, SendPro+, SendPro C Auto

If you have a lot of contacts in your Address Book, you may need to use the search feature to find the one you want.
Products affected: SendPro® C, SendPro®+, SendPro® C Auto (2H20, R2H20, R2H20M, R1H20C, 1H20C, R1H20CM, 7H20C, R7H20C, R7H20CM, 7H20A, R7H20A, R7H20AM)

If you have a lot of contacts in your address book, you may need to use the search feature to find the one you want.

  1. Tap SendPro Apps on the Home screen, then tap Shipping Address Book.
  2. Select either Recipients or Senders.
  3. By default, All is selected. This means that the search will look for Name, company and email. To search by a different field, select the menu and select the field you wish to search.
  4. If you are searching for an international country in the Address Book, you have to use the two character country code to locate the country. Examples are:
    • GB
    • IE
    • DE
    • FR
    • ES
    • IT
    • US
    • CA
    • CH
    • CZ
  5. Then select the desired address.

UPDATED: 21 June 2024