Prepare mail effortlessly with outstanding flexibility, efficiency and privacy.

Integrate your end-to-end mailing workflows and experience precision, quality and security every step of the way with our range of mailroom equipment.
Franking Machines

Franking Machine

Our franking machines make it easy to process your mail pieces, while receiving automatic postage savings. Streamline your office mail and save on postage costs.
Explore Franking Machines
AddressRight Envelope Printers

Envelope Printers

Directly print names, addresses, custom graphics and messages onto your envelopes. Optional FlexMail™ software to clean and organise address data from any source.
Explore Envelope Printers
Relay Folder Inserters

Folder Inserters

Ensure your mail is assembled and out the door on time, without the inherent errors that come with manual handling. Optional software tracks envelope contents.
Explore Folder Inserters
Paper Shredders
Paper Shredders
Paper shredders or document shredders can handle your digital data safely. Whether it’s for the home office or the entire office, our range of power shredders can handle anything, anytime with ease and convenience.
Explore Paper Shredders

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Why Pitney Bowes?

Innovations to help you streamline and grow your business

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Over 100 years of innovation
We have over 100 years of experience delivering innovations that help clients navigate this complex and always evolving world.
More than 1.5 million clients
That's how many small and medium businesses across the world we help communicate to their clients, fulfil orders while enhancing productivity, improving mail delivery and optimising postage spend.
Trusted partner
We understand companies want tools and partners that have experience in the business world and find hybrid solutions to move them forward in the digital space. We help businesses to do this simply, efficiently and cost-effectively.