
Vielfalt am Arbeitsplatz

Als vorausschauender Geschäftsführer erkennt Walter Wheeler frühzeitig die Vorteile einer heterogenen Belegschaft. Er setzt sich daher gezielt für die Einstellung von Frauen und nicht-hellhäutigen Angestellten ein, um die Zusammensetzung der Bevölkerung am Hauptsitz von Pitney Bowes in Stamford, Connecticut (USA) auch in der Belegschaft zu spiegeln.

Von 1940 bis 2020

Unsere Unternehmenskultur erfüllt bis heute hohe Ansprüche, was auch zahlreiche Auszeichnungen und Anerkennungen belegen. So sind wir zum Beispiel auf den Listen „America‘s Best Employers for Diversity in 2020“ (Forbes), „Gender-Equality Index in 2020“ (Bloomberg) und „Best Employers for Women in 2019“ (ebenfalls Forbes).


During World War II, Pitney Bowes converts 95% of its total production to support the allied effort. This includes developing a device known as the API, the first navigational instrument to provide continuous latitude and longitude readings. This Pitney Bowes innovation is credited with the success of numerous aerial missions.


Image of WW2 mailroom


Women comprised nearly 40% of the workforce at the Stamford, CT plant. The commitment of Pitney Bowes to hire women for key positions continues to the present day.

Women awards Images of women employees at Pitney Bowes


Walter Wheeler and his associates boycott a hotel that refused to register an African-American salesman from Pitney Bowes who was being recognized at our annual Sales Leadership Conference. We were among the first companies to actively recruit people of color for employment.


Walter Wheeler advocates for cultural inclusivity in the workplace. He drafts a memo instructing his Personnel Department to hire with diversity in mind.

Images of Pitney Bowes employees


After World War II, Pitney Bowes remains committed to the hiring of women and people of color. Many other companies reverted to hiring primarily men.

Image of Pitney Bowes staff photo