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What is Envelope Messaging on the DM, SendPro and Connect+ Series

Envelope Messaging is a feature that allows clients to choose from a range of pre-made artwork, or to create customised logos to print on envelopes alongside postal franks.
Products affected: DM60™ (K722, RK722, RK722M), DM110i™, DM160i™, DM220i™ (PR20, RPR20, RPR20M, SPR20), DM300M™, DM400M™ (G922, RG922, G922A, SG922, RG9224, RG922M, RG9224M), SendPro® Mailstation (HW20), SendPro® C, SendPro®+, SendPro® C Auto (2H20, R2H20, R2H20M, 1H20, R1H20, R1H20C, 1H20C, R1H20CM, 7H20C, R7H20C, R7H20CM, 7H20A, R7H20A, R7H20AM), Connect+® 500W, Connect+® 1000, Connect+® 2000, Connect+® 3000, SendPro® P1000, SendPro® P1500, SendPro® P2000, SendPro® P3000 (MSF1, MS1R, MSF2, MS2R, MSF3, MS3R)

Envelope Messaging is a feature that allows you to choose from a range of pre-made artwork, or to create return addresses or customised logos to print on envelopes alongside postal franks. A common usage of the service is for you to print your own company logo or a return address. On some franking machines you can actually print both a graphic and a return address at the same time.

Use the My Graphics feature within your account to choose the artwork type, upload images, manipulate the size and orientation, and preview the final result before submitting it to be reviewed, and subsequently added to your franking machine for printing.

To use the Envelope Message service, you must have a Pitney Bowes online account. If you do not yet have an account, see Registering for the Pitney Bowes Your Account portal.

  1. Before you begin
  2. Creating the Envelope Message
  3. Downloading the Envelope Message
  4. Selecting the Envelope Message
  5. Saving the Envelope Message as a preset or job

Number 1 Before you begin

Please follow these guidelines before creating your envelope message:

  • Upload graphics via your computer. Do not use your franking machine for this process.
  • Files must be in .bmp, .jpg, .gif or .png format and may not be larger than 12 MB.
  • If you are creating a return address:
    • The return address should not be included with a company logo.
    • If you are creating a return address this should contain your business name, address number and road, town and postcode. Your county is not required.
      Return address format

Number 2 Creating the Envelope Message

  1. Sign in to your account using a browser on your computer.
  2. Go to the Your Products section (top left of the screen).
  3. Click Postage Meters.
  4. Click on the franking machine listed under Your Products.
  5. Under Quick Links, click My Graphics.
  6. Tick the box to agree to the terms and conditions, then click Start Creating New MyGraphics.
  7. Select either Return Address, Text Only or Image & Text
    • Click Return Address to create a return address.
    • Click Text Only to create a personalised text message that does not include your return address.
    • Click Image & Text to upload your graphic. You can add personalised text but please do not use a return address.
  8. Enter the information into the required fields and keep selecting Next to step through to Upload now. The envelope message should be available for download onto your franking machine within four business hours.

Number 3 Downloading the Envelope Message

Once you have created your envelope message you need to download it onto your franking machine. Select your franking machine model to see the download instructions.

Note: SendPro Mailstation (HW20) automatically downloads updates as they become available. Your envelope message will become available to use after a few minutes.

Number 4 Selecting the Envelope Message

In order to print your envelope message you need to select it on your franking machine. Select your franking machine model to see how to select it.

Number 5 Saving the Envelope Message as a preset or job

If you want to print your envelope message all of the time, save it as a preset or job. Select your franking machine model to see how to save it.

Note: The SendPro Mailstation can only store classes of mail, for example 1st Class Letter, in a preset. It cannot store envelope messages.

UPDATED: 13 June 2024