"COM Activation Failed" message on SendSuite Live Project load

Learn how to resolve the error "COM Activation Failed" when loading a SendSuite Live Project.
Products affected: SendSuite® Live


  • Upon launching a project in SendSuite® Live, the following error is displayed:

"The following errors occurred, please correct and try again:

COM Activation failed because an initialization function failed. Check the event log for more information." 

  • Upon launching Progistics Management Console (PMC), the following error is displayed:

"[CURRENT DATE & TIME] An unexpected error occurred: System.Exception - Unable to instantiate controller object (Unable to open controller database: Cannot open database "ConnectShip" requested by the login. The login failed. 

Login failed for user '[Database User Login Username]'.)" 

  • The SendSuite Live application is installed on a Windows 7 server.
  • Access to the database is granted using the same credentials provided in the PMC Connection String. To see the PMC connection string, navigate to the following path from within PMC being run as an administrator:

Server Components > [CHOOSE ANY CARRIER] > Transaction Data >  Database Connection String

  • The "ConnectShip" and "ConnectShip_log" databases have blue text. This can be found by navigating to where the ConenctShip Database is located. For example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SENDSUITELIVE\MSSQL\DATA\


Not stated


  1. In SQL Server Management Studio, right-click on the ConnectShip database and select Tasks > Take Offline.
  2. Open Services, navigate to the appropriate SQL instance, right-click, and select Stop.
  3. To decompress the ConnectShip and ConnectShip_log files, right-click and uncheck the compress option within the properties.
  4. Open Services, navigate to the appropriate SQL instance, right-click, and select Start.
  5. In SQL Server Management Studio, right-click on the ConnectShip database and select Tasks > Bring Online.
  6. Reset Internet Information Services (IIS).
Test Criteria
Attempt to load the previously failing project in SendSuite Live.

Permissions Required

UPDATED: July 29, 2024