Networking and connectivity details for SendSuite Tracking Online

List of URLs that need to be whitelisted to ensure proper operation of SendSuite Tracking Online
Products affected: SendSuite® Tracking Online

To ensure proper operation of SendSuite Tracking Online, network security professionals may need to whitelist the following URLs:

PB APISubscription Information*
SendSuite Tracking OnlineAll SendSuite Tracking Online Transactions*
AirWatchTracking Assistant Management**
Xamarin.InsightsMobile App Error Log Upload
Time ServerTracking Assistant Time
Signature PadLocal Signature Capture

*It is recommended that all Pitney Bowes customers whitelist https://*

**Applies only to Tracking Assistant devices provided by Pitney Bowes.

This URL is a web service local to the machine to which the signature pad is connected via USB port.

UPDATED: August 14, 2021