Setup and network requirements for the SmartLink device

Prepare for your SmartLink installation by reviewing network and connectivity setup requirements.
Products affected: DM100™, DM125™, DM175™, DM195™, DM400™, DM450™, DM450SL™, DM300™


This reference document helps you prepare for your SmartLink™ device installation. Review these requirements and guidelines before installing the product. If you have extensive network security restrictions at your site, you may need assistance from your IT or network specialist. In this case, refer to the Advanced Installation Requirements section of this document for more information.

Basic Installation Requirements

You can connect your meter's SmartLink device to the internet via your network (LAN) connection. This provides a quick and reliable connection that is always available when your postage meter connects to Pitney Bowes for services such as postage refills, automatic rate changes, system updates and postal inspection.

For install instructions and an installation tutorial, visit SmartLink setup.

Power Outlet Requirements

SmartLink™ requires an additional power outlet beyond what is required by the meter.

Network Requirements

Internet access is required. The basic system comes with a network cable that you can plug into a network plug with internet access. A SmartLink device can also be programmed to connect to your Wi-Fi by visiting SmartLink setup.

Is it secure?

Yes, the system has been approved by ICSA, a company specializing in custom evaluation and certification testing services for information technology products. Download the full report.

Advanced Installation Requirements

If you have extensive network security restrictions, your IT or network administrator may need these specifications to prepare for the install.

For advanced setup instructions, visit: SmartLink setup, then click on the "Advanced Options" link.

Wi-Fi Connectivity Specifications

A SmartLink device™supports - IEEE 802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz networks and 802.11a/n 5GHz wireless networks. 802.1X networks that require enterprise or domain authentication are not supported.

Port and Communication Requirements

The default LAN connection requires access through your network and firewall. This system uses only outbound communications through the network to minimize threats to your network and increase the ease of monitoring.

  • Ports used for connection - ports 31314, 993 or 443 using TCP
  • Ports used for upgrades - port 80 using TCP/HTTP
  • Transfer data via HTTPS (with TLS 1.2)

Proxy Configuration

For companies with extra secure networks, we recommend using a proxy username and password and allow outbound communications on 31314 and 80. To set up a Proxy on the SmartLink device, please visit SmartLink setup and click on the 'Advanced Options' link.

IP Configuration

  • DHCP (Dynamic IP) is the default setting for the SmartLink device.
  • Static IP may be used. To configure your SmartLink device with the below settings, please visit SmartLink setup, then click on the 'Advanced Options' link.
    • IP address
    • Subnet mask
    • Default gateway
    • Primary DNS
    • Secondary DNS (optional)

URL Requirements

The following URLs must be allowed through your network for the SmartLink device to operate properly. If your firewall has restrictions, please allow access to these URLs. We recommend these URLs are left open for the device to function.

  • *

Important: Reverse lookups of the SmartLink device IP addresses resolve to Amazon AWS servers. Amazon AWS is the primary DNS record for the IP address.

UPDATED: 24 January 2024

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