What is Accounting on the SendPro C Lite, SendPro C

You can use the accounting feature to track the postage that departments or individuals within your organisation use.
Products affected: SendPro™ C (2H78, R2H78)

You can use the accounting feature to track the postage that departments or individuals within your organization use.

The accounting feature helps you to understand how your business spends its postage and identify cost-saving opportunities. You can charge postage back to departments or clients and report report on postage expenditures.

When you use Envelope Printing accounts to track your postage usage, use sub accounts and sub sub accounts to analyze your usage within an account.

How you create accounts depends on your needs. You can create accounts in single or multiple levels. For example, you can divide a top level department (account) into two additional sub sections (sub accounts and sub sub accounts).

The Envelope Printing accounting structure can have up to a three level hierarchy:

  • account (top level of the hierarchy)
  • sub account (next possible level of the hierarchy)
  • sub sub account (last possible level of the hierarchy)

Important: Only the lowest level of the account hierarchy is chargeable. This means that the lowest level of the account has the transactions applied to them.

  • Account with no sub accounts - When you create an account with no sub accounts, you charge postage to that account. This is because the account does not have sub or sub sub accounts.
  • Account with sub account or sub sub account - When you create a sub account or sub sub account, you charge postage to the lowest level (the sub account or sub sub account).

Account hierarchy examples

Top level account

  • Engineering

Account with sub accounts

  • Engineering; Sub account - Software;
  • Engineering; Sub account - Hardware;

Account with sub sub accounts

  • Engineering; Sub account - Software; Sub sub account - Graphics and Layout; Sub sub account - Design
  • Engineering; Sub account - Hardware; Sub sub account - Quality Approval; Sub sub account - Testing

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UPDATED: 23 May 2023

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