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Smart Access Management Release Notes version 1.77.0 (21 March 2024)

Smart Access Management Release Notes for version 1.77.0 (21 March 2024)
Products Affected: Smart Access Management®

New Features & Enhancements

Added support for checking the temperature of staff and visitors

The kiosk app can now be connected to a Bluetooth thermometer to support the temperature checking in staff and visitor workflows. Sign in can be denied if the detected temperature is outside of a configurable range.

Kiosk tablets can now be registered using the web interface

Kiosk tablets were previously registered by the Pitney Bowes support team only, now regular users can manage this from within the web interface.

Issues Fixed

Address Book import now respects the requirement for Personnel / Staff ID

The Address Book import process will now fail if Require Personnel ID / Staff ID is checked and the CSV import file does not contain any corresponding values.

Companion app would hang when signing out

Code improvements have been implemented to ensure that the app no longer hangs.

UPDATED: 21 March 2024

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