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Smart Access Management Release Notes version 1.68.0 (26 October 2023)

Smart Access Management Release Notes for version 1.68.0 (26 October 2023)
Products Affected: Smart Access Management®

New Features & Enhancements

Visitors can now be notified about expiring documents

It is now possible to notify visitors (and optionally, admin users) that their uploaded documents are due to expire. You can configure the system to send an email notification between 1 and 30 days prior to the document’s expiration date. You can configure this by individual document type.

You can configure the new functionality by using the admin website’s Edit Visitor Type and Pre-registration and Manual sign in workflow pages.

Kiosk sign-out process now includes phone country code

A new country code selection menu is available when signing out of the kiosk and using a phone number.

New search criteria are now available

Search criteria have been added to the Visitor Activity and Staff Activity pages, it is now possible to select from:

  • Name (default)
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Host Name
  • Host Email

Renaming of Azure AD

References to Azure AD have been renamed to Microsoft Entra ID.

Sites can now be deleted

It is now possible to delete unwanted sites from the Access Sites page. Historical data associated with a deleted site can still be displayed by setting the Site selection criteria to All Sites.

Kiosk app pairing / QR code scanning has been improved

It is now possible to activate the front-facing camera when scanning a QR code to pair the kiosk app.

New user role added for viewing pre-registrations

It is now possible to grant a user role read-only privileges for pre-registrations by selecting the new View pre-registration feature.

Prohibited visitors now receive a notification email

When using the Visitor Activity page to prohibit a visitor, a notification email is now sent with an optional comment.

Issues Fixed

Visitor data was not exported correctly

This has been resolved with a backend code fix. Data was not correctly exported from the Data Management page when a custom date filter was applied. Data is now exported correctly.

Date / time fields prevented sign-in from the kiosk app

This has been resolved with a frontend code fix. When a staff or visitor workflow included a date or time field, the kiosk sign-in process would fail. The kiosk sign-in process now works correctly if a date or time field is included in the workflow.

UPDATED: 26 October 2023

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