Smart Access Management Release Notes version 1.64.0 (23 August 2023)

Smart Access Management Release Notes for version 1.64.0 (23 August 2023)
Products Affected: Smart Access Management®

New Features & Enhancements

Improved the Visitor History export output

When exporting data from the Visitor Activity screen, custom fields added to the sign-in workflow are now included in the CSV output file.

Only custom fields in the ‘Personal Information’ and ‘Health And Safety Instructions’ sections of the sign-in workflow are included in the CSV output file.

When exporting data, custom fields are included only if a visitor type is selected from the filter drop-down list.

‘Checkbox’ field values will be exported as “true” or “false”.

‘Instruction Upload’ and ‘Non-Disclosure Agreement’ field values are not exported.

Changed default filters

The default calendar filter value has been changed from “All dates” to “Today” on the following screens:

  • Visitor Activity
  • Staff Activity
  • Access Queue
  • Data Management

Issues Fixed

Uploading documents for pre-registered visitors

Previously, when configuring required documents for pre-registered visitors, additional documents could not be configured until the first document(s) had been uploaded. Now, additional documents can be configured regardless of whether documents have already been uploaded.

This has been resolved with a backend code fix.

Aesthetic UI improvements when deleting visitor data

When using the Data Management screen to delete visitor data, the deletion confirmation prompt now displays the visitor’s full name instead of just their first name.

This has been resolved with a frontend code fix.

UPDATED: 24 August 2023

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