Smart Access Management Release Notes version 1.62.0 (July 26 2023)

Smart Access Management Release Notes for version 1.62.0 (July 26 2023)
Products Affected: Smart Access Management®

New Features & Enhancements

Data Retention rules can now be configured

For General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, a user with the admin role can now configure how visitor and staff data is retained:

  • Data can be retained for the following periods: 1 day, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, 270 days, 1 year. Data will be retained for 90 days by default.
  • Data is automatically deleted daily at 00:00 according to the retention setting.
  • All visitor data will be deleted including visit history, pre-registration records, pending queue records, returning visitor records, badge, documents, signature, facial images / photos.
  • All staff data will be deleted including visit history, facial images / photos.

Staff data can now be deleted

For GDPR compliance, a user with the admin role assigned can delete individual staff visit records using the Staff Activity screen.

Records will be removed from view immediately and deleted at 00:00 the next day.

Images stored for facial recognition purposes are deleted.

When a member of staff signs in after their data has been deleted, they will be prompted to enter their details again.

Visitor and Staff data exports

All exported data for visitor and staff transactions will now be removed after 7 days of being created.

For example, if a report is created at 13:00 on 14th July, the report will be deleted from the Exported Data tab at 00:00 on 22nd July.

The calendar filter in the Exported Data tab has been removed.

New Data Management screen has been added

All visitor records will be shown: first time visitor, pending queue visitor or a pre-registered visitor.

A user with the admin role can view record of all visitors in a single place in Data Management.

The information for a visitor can be seen in the Pre-registration and Kiosk workflow. Information includes facial image (as per visitor history), first and last name, phone, email, company, and documents if added.

Records can be filtered by location, visitor type and date (last update date).

The search feature allows for visitors to be found by first name.

Issues Fixed

The “Upload Documents” link in emails used to expire as per QR code validity for the site

This has been resolved with the back end code fix. The link for uploading documents for pre-registered visitors will not expire now.

A pre-registered user was not able to sign in with the kiosk workflow

This has been resolved with front end code fix. Now, even if a pre-registered user has QR code for pre-registration, they can sign in with regular kiosk workflow after adding all requirements as per the kiosk workflow.

The “Pre-registrations” dashboard widget was not correct

This has been resolved with front end code fix. Now, the pre-registered visitors count will appear on the homepage.

The status of uploaded documents was not correctly displayed in the admin portal

This has been resolved with the back end code fix. When a new document is uploaded, then the document status will be Pending for Approval on Admin until Approved.

Date and time in the pre-registration email did not match the admin portal

This has been resolved with the front end code fix.

Pre-registration and document approval comments were not displayed in emails

This has been resolved with the back end code fix. Now, when approving documents, any comments will be included in the email sent to the visitor.

Some email and SMS notifications were not received by visitors

This has been resolved with the back end code fix.

Pre-registration documents could not be set to expire today

This has been resolved with the back end code fix.

Users were not receiving the “visitor limit reached” email for visitors who signed in using a web browser

This has been resolved with the back end code fix.

Facial sign-out was not working when only staff workflows were in use

This has been resolved with the front end code fix.

Products (aka kiosks) could not be configured in the support portal

This has been resolved with the front end code fix.

Kiosk sign-out aesthetic issues occurred

This has been resolved with the front end code fix.

Previously uploaded documents were displayed as approved instead of expired

This has been resolved with full stack code fix. Pre-registration date is dependent on the document expiry date for the date of visit.

UPDATED: 18 August 2023

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