Adding a new team member to the 'meeting with' staff list in LobbyTrac (now Smart Access Management or SAM)

Add staff members to the staff list to provide visitors with a list of staff who are available for meetings. New team members can be added individually or through a bulk upload.
Products affected: LobbyTrac™, Smart Access Management® (SAM)

Watch this video or follow the steps below to learn how to add a new team member to the 'meeting with' staff list.

To add team staff members to the staff list that visitors can meet with, follow these steps:

Adding individuals

  1. Use your computer's web browser to log in to the Visitor Rego software.
  2. Go to Staff and choose Staff List.
  3. Click the green Add new staff icon and fill in the person’s details.
  4. Select Add Staff.

Adding multiple team members

  1. Upload a CSV file to C:\ProgramData\VisitorRegoLtd\VisitorRego\Res.
  2. Go to Admin mode.
  3. Select Options > Staff and click the CSV Upload button.
  4. Select your staff list CSV file from the Res folder. Your new team members will now be added.
To find out more about SAM, discover our new website.

UPDATED: 01 November 2022

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