“Waste Tank Full” or “Waste Tank Near Full” message on the DM300C-DM450

Waste Tank Full" or "Ink Tank Full", messages indicate that your meter's ink system has reached capacity. Replace the ink waste pad immediately to ensure that the machine operates.
Products affected: DM300™,DM400™, DM450™, DM400SL™, or DM450SL™ 


Your meter displays “Waste Tank Full” or “Waste Tank Near Full”, and may not print.


Excess ink from purges and heavy use eventually fills the ink waste tank in the meter.

  • When the ink reservoir nears capacity, your meter displays the message "Waste Tank Near Full."
  • When the ink reservoir reaches full capacity, your meter displays the message "Waste Tank Full."


Waste Tank Full", "Ink Tank Full", or similar messages indicate that your meter's ink system has reached capacity. Replace the ink waste pad immediately. The machine may not operate until you replace the ink waste pad and clear the message.

Step 1: Order a new ink waste pad

Call 132363 (Australia) or 0800 748639 (New Zealand) to order a new waste ink pad.

Step 2: Watch the video

Watch the video to view steps to rotate or replace your waste ink pad.

Step 3: Replace the waste ink pad

Follow these steps to install the replacement waste pad:

  1. Remove the new ink waste pad from the envelope and set the pad and the envelope aside.
  2. On the side of the meter, squeeze the handles of the ink tray and slide the tray out of the machine.
  3. Carefully lift out the plastic waste pad holder using gloves or a paper towel.
  4. Place the used waste pad and its plastic holder into the envelope that the new waste pad came in.
  5. Insert the new waste pad and waste pad holder into the ink tray and reinsert the tray back into the machine.

Step 4: Clear the waste ink message

If you still see the Waste Tank Full or Ink Tank Full message on your Home screen, then follow these steps to clear the message and resume postage printing.

  1. Press Menu.
  2. Press Page Down.
  3. Select Maintenance.
  4. Select Replace Waste Tank.
  5. Select Ok, I understand.
  6. Press Yes, tray is replaced.

Important: Ink can stain skin or permanently damage clothing. Use the gloves included in the replacement kit.

UPDATED: 09 May 2022

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